Taking a break and asking my generals what they didn't think was right is a healthy thing . . . especially with rules as short as Clarence Harrison's "Victory Without Quarter" rules.
One thing that I decided "on the fly" had to do with Swordsmen (ECW equivalent would be Clubmen). In general, VWQ prohibits foot units from charging "steady" foot . . . but since Swordsmen don't have any missile weapons, being solely melee troops, I decided that (like cavalry) they could charge steady foot if they made a successful Morale Check (like cavalry). Both of my generals like this change.
Well actually it isn't a "change" since the matter wasn't covered in the VWQ rules. In fact the author freely admits that not all circumstances are covered . . . and that players should make whatever changes seemed appropriate.
So now, between battles it is a good time to think about these things.
-- Jeff
Good idea to have a 'review' of reviews. The change for swordsmen seems sensibl(although maybe not quite equivalent to ECW clubmen who in general faired badly in pitched battle - see
-- Allan
Oh dear can't type - should have been --- a 'review' of rules ----
Always wise for the General Staff to conduct "After Action Reviews."
I say, that sort thing suggests the potential for fallibility amongst your betters. That just won't do...Someone bring me my riding crop.
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