Saturday, January 27, 2007

Real Life Stuff to Cause Delays --

Some of you may know that my wife and I have had our condo in California for sale for about a year. It has finally sold . . . not for nearly as much as we'd like . . . but it has sold. Unfortunately, since we are now in Canada, we have to go to the U.S. Consulate in Vancouver, BC in order to get our signatures on the deal notarized.

This is because the state of California (and perhaps others) requires that any sale of property by persons outside of the U.S. can only be notarized at a U.S. Consulate. This trip will cost us several hundred dollars (all of those ferry trips are not cheap) and will be very rough on my wife (she has several serious health problems).

So I am not likely to have any posts for several days. Nevertheless, this will mean that we can finally start looking for a permanent home to buy. We have been renting a small cabin (with most of our possessions in storage).

While my bride has lots of sensible requirements for selecting our new home, she will permit me to have a place for my tabletop gaming. Thus we are hoping to find a place with a nice-sized "workshop" where I can set up a gaming table.

So, while the trip will be stressful and expensive, it will eventually help us get me back to where I can paint figures and play games. This will be a good thing. A very good thing.

-- Jeff


MurdocK said...

Woo Hoo!

Great to read that your unit sold!

It has been a long hard year for you two out there on that little island, we are looking forward to seeing more of you once the move comes thru!


WSTKS-FM Worldwide said...

Morning Jeff,

Glad to hear the condo has finally sold. Hope things go smoothly on the trip to the consulate, and here's to that permanent gaming space in your new home, which I hope you'll post a few photos of.

Best Regards,



Maybe I'll have those 12 dragoons finished by the time you view my blog again.

marinergrim said...

Good news on the condo Jeff. Of course you'll be looking after your wife with a visit to Vancouver won't you? after all she has allowed you to seek a games room/workshop for your new home.