Clarence Harrison of Quindia Studios and author of the ECW rules, "Victory Without Quarter", has nominated me for the "Stylish Blogger Award".
Thank you, Clarence . . . at least I think so.
For, as Clarence wrote on his blog, "this award may be somewhat dubious since it comes with a 'chain letter' style rules requiring the winner to 'pass it on'."
Furthermore, a recipient (such as myself) is supposed to do four tasks:
- Thank the nominating blog and provide a link back -- done!
- Share seven things about myself, presumably beyond the realm normally covered by the blog -- see below
- Nominate more blogs you deem worthy to share your honor. -- see below
- Let those bloggers know you nominated them! -- will do
- I worked as a Theatre Critic for a number of newspapers
- I like to fish . . . but the only "big" fish I've ever caught was a 127 lb marlin
- I cannot sing . . . but I've been paid to perform in several operas (many operas have non-singing speaking roles -- my best role was Frosch in "Die Fledermaus").
- I cannot play a musical instrument . . . but I've been paid to perform with symphony orchestras (Narrator in "Peter and the Wolf").
- My wife and I met on the Internet (in a spiritual chat site) some 15 years ago.
- When I was with a theatre group in Colorado, I participated in the 5th International Muzzle-loading Biathlon . . . and finished second over-all for shooting (only -- I'm slow on skis).
- I've been reading Science Fiction/Fantasy for over 50 years and still have every SF book I've ever purchased (yes -- thousands of them).
- Ross Macfarlane's "Battle Game of the Month" -- which could win simply for its great masthead photo, but which always has interesting, thought-provoking posts as well as great accounts of games in a wide array of periods.
- "Steve's Random Musings on Wargaming and other stuff" -- not only has some wonderful game accounts and photos, but very frequently has interesting historical background material on units and personalities. Furthermore, he has collected and posted most of the early Grant "Table Top Teasers".
- "Campaigns of General William Augustus Pettygree" -- The wonderful "photo stories" which Bill Protz creates are truly inspiring.
-- Jeff