My "Heavy Horse" Regiments -- As I believe I have mentioned before, I am currently using some "substitute troops" for my Saxe-Bearsteins. These are all GNW-era figures that I've re-worked into something to use on the table top.

Today we will be seeing my "Heavy Horse" regiments . . . i.e., the "true" cavalry (not Dragoons). Saxe-Bearstein's army contains four regiments of heavy horse. Two are Cuirassiers (von Kodiak Kuirassiers and von Comocks Kuirassiers): and two are Ritters, who eschew both the Cuirass and the pistol, choosing instead to charge at a full gallop with cold steel.
The von Kodiak Kuirassiers are an elite unit. The senior cavalry regiment in the army, their red banner is feared by the Furst's foes.
Pictured above, they are renowned for their grim faces and fine pistol work.

For a better view of any of these regiments, "click" on the photo to see a larger photo.
Saxe-Bearstein's other Cuirassier regiment is the von Comocks Kuirassiers. This veteran unit has as its facing color, honey yellow.
Do not however make the mistake of thinking them any less fierce than the von Kodiaks. As they say, they're number two . . . so they try harder.
Both of the Kuirassier regiments feel that they are the cream of the Principality's cavalry. They consider the two "Ritter" or "Galloper" regiments to be their social inferiors.

The proud von Roggenbier Ritters would definitely dispute that.
Charging in at a gallop without slowing down to fire pistols has earned these ritters an Elite status.
They claim that their blue facing color indicates the "blue blood" that courses fiercely through their viens.
They urge you to "click" on their photo in order to see what true cavalry look like.
Indeed, the battlefield success of the von Roggenbier Ritters has caused the Furst to raise a second unit of gallopers.

While they still have a "raw" rating, the von Eigerbrau Ritters are eager to face the foe. Their "practice dummies" are dressed in Stagonian colors.
They say that while their green facing color may make people think that they are a "green" unit, they will soon find that they will be "green" with envy as the von Eigerbrau Ritters demonstrate their true worth on the field of Mars.
My next post will concentrate on Saxe-Bearstein's Dragoon regiments.
-- Jeff