I'm sure that it happens to lots of us. I have masses of lead to paint in a couple of periods that I really like . . . and I'm being tempted to start another period.
I know that I should stick with my SYW and Colonial projects. I know it. But . . .
But I'm being tempted by a lot of really nice photos of units and games using ECW troops. That's the English Civil War for those who might be unfamiliar with it . . . you know, the various conflicts (there were a number of phases) in the mid-17th century. Not the much earlier War of the Roses (which is what one of our local bookstores thought).
The Quindia series "Collecting a Wargames Army 101" (series of 8 icons about halfway down the page) first excited me. Then many photos on sites like Angus Konstam's ECW page, Lead Gardens , Steve's Fieldworks, For Ye Kinge and others fueled my interest.
So the "Siren call" has been heard . . . but I don't have any figures (I'll probably opt for the Old Glory Army Deal at some point) and I haven't got a rule set that I like a lot yet . . . so I wouldn't know how many figures to paint for a unit . . . and I haven't read all of the history books that I've already purchased for the period.
So why am I wanting to start painting?
It is that darn Siren. I'm sure that you've heard similar calls . . . oh, maybe not for the ECW, but for something . . . for some period.
So far I'm resisting. I am wavering on whether to paint SYW or Colonial figures when Murdock comes over for our paint day . . . but I'm trying not to head that Siren's call.
-- Jeff