Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Help! Another Period Threatens --

I have too many wargaming projects as it is. You all know of my interest in the mid-18th century. And I'm concentrating this year on my Colonial Project. I have been acquiring lots of books about the English Civil War (a long range project). And, of course, I have a couple of dozen large Ancients armies; WWI aircraft; Pre-Dreadnought battleships, the "Old West" and various odds and ends.

So what did I dream about all night?

American Civil War miniature gaming! I don't have the troops or terrain or rules or any inclination . . . so why am I dreaming of playing them? (It looked like in 54mm too . . . a scale I've never even contemplated).


And why am I trolling the TMP ACW Message Board looking for comments on various simple fun rule sets?

Am I going mad?

I fear so . . . *sigh*.

-- Jeff