For those of you who don't know, we currently have no mail delivery here in Canada. After a long period of fruitless negotiations, the Canadian Union of Postal Workers went on a limited strike. They would take off for two days in a rotating series of major Canadian cities.
After two weeks of this, Canada Post's management claimed that this had cost them $100 million dollars (a ridiculous figure -- if they really were losing that much money for missing a few days business in a few cities when they didn't have to pay any wages, they would normally be making so much that they could easily pay down the national debt) . . . so the Canada Post management locked out the postal workers and we don't have any mail service right now.
Anyway I am now awaiting a number of items that I'd ordered. Among these is "Hail Caesar", the new Ancients rule set. I am hoping that it will help me become re-energized about Ancients.
I got my start with Historical Miniatures back about the time that WRG 7th came out. I fell in with a crowd of fellows who were just starting out playing it . . . . And I started building armies along with them . . . and I collected and painted lots of them (mostly in 25mm).
By the way, while I enjoyed the mental challenge of WRG 7th at the time, I would NOT advise anyone to start playing them today. They have a very steep learning curve and do not in my opinion give a very good simulation of ancient warfare.
Later we switched to DBM, which I felt gave a better simulation of ancient warfare, but which I never really warmed up to.
Anyway I haven't played any Ancients (apart from a few DBA games at Murdock's) for at least 25 years . . . and since I have a lot of large painted armies, I am hoping that these new rules will re-excite me about the period.
Using the WRG List terms, some of the large painted armies in 25mm that come to mind (I think there are more) include:
- Alexandrian Imperial
- Hoplite Greek
- Carthaginian
- Syracusan
- Feudal Spanish
- Feudal Scots
- Indian
- Gauls
- Illyrians
- Early Imperial Romans
- Ayyubid Egyptians
- Feudal Germans (partially painted)
- New Babylonians
- Hoplite Greeks
- Early Germans
- Late Imperial Romans
- Arab Conquest
- Feudal Germans
When the lockout ends at Canada Post, maybe the "Hail Caesar" rules will do that . . . and maybe not.
-- Jeff