Monday, June 23, 2014

Lots of Artillery

I just finished assembling some 18 artillery pieces and tomorrow I'll prime them (weather permitting).  They are mostly RSMs -- 8 light guns (3#ers), 8 medium guns (6#ers) and a pair of heavy guns (12#ers -- note that I've already got 4 of these painted up).

Half will be given blue carriages and half red.  They will serve for my Stagonian Wars forces as well as for other periods (with different artillerymen, of course).

Of course this means that besides painting the guns, I will have to paint up a bunch of oxen and horses as well . . . and, of course, artillerymen for a variety of periods.

"Why am I doing so many?". . . well, because I had them I suppose . . . and having them, I might as well paint them, right?

-- Jeff

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Hussars Finished

Despite having another flare-up of my gout, I have managed to finish the last two planned units for my Saxe-Bearstein and vile Stagonian forces . . . a pair of irregular Hussar units (one for each army).

At left is a view of the irregular forces for both Saxe-Bearstein (left of photo) and those vile Stagonians (right of photo, in blues).

Each army has two irregular foot and two irregular light horse units.  Below find closer photos of the two new Hussar units:

Saxe-Bearstein Hussars
Stagonian Hussars . . . so very vile

Each army also has three 12-man foot skirmisher units, which are mounted individually.  The Saxe-Bearstein unit facing colors are Yellow (pictured), Green and Black; while those of the vile Stagonians are Blue (pictured), Lavender and cream facings:

Other Saxe-Bearstein Foot Skirmishers have Green & Black facings
Lavender & Cream are the facing colors for the other vile Skirmishers

The Skirmishers have been finished for ages but I'd never posted photos before today.  The Hussars are the only new units . . . and I had to 'play hooky' from painting my ECW units in order to paint them . . . but I needed a break from all of the pike & shot units.

-- Jeff