Sunday, October 26, 2014

Saxe-Bearstein Army -- Command & Mounted

Above you can see a sample of a General, his Aides de Camp and some Brigadiers.  Below you may view Saxe-Bearstein's renowned mounted troops.  (Note -- click on any photo for a larger view).

Heavy Horse:

von Ursa Kuirass Regiment -- rated superior 
von Comocks Kuirass Regiment -- rated veteran 
von Goethe Kuirass Regiment -- rated veteran 
von Veltin's Kuirass Regiment -- rated ordinary

Dragoon Regiments:

Edelbrau Dragoon Regiment -- rated superior
Nachtbock Dragoon Regiment -- rated veteran
Wildschwein Dragoon Regiment -- rated veteran
Rottlager Dragoon Regiment -- rated ordinary

Light Horse (irregulars):

Heineken Hussars -- rated veteran

Coors Cossacks -- rated ordinary

To view Artillery & Infantry of Saxe-Bearstein click on this link.

-- Jeff


tradgardmastare said...

Great units and command group Jeff.

Bluebear Jeff said...

Thanks, Alan.

I should have noted that the Brigadiers on round-based standing horses are for Infantry Brigades; and those on running horses on oblongish bases are for Cavalry Brigades.

-- Jeff

Mad Padre said...

Very simple and elegant figures, together they make fine units with terrific names. Have you been working at these for a while or is this all new stuff?

Bluebear Jeff said...


They are a re-based mix of new and old figures. All are "Blood Axe" miniatures sculpted by Lance Runolfsson and currently handled by Historifigs although they don't have online listings yet, so you will have to write to inquire if you want some:

-- Jeff

tidders said...

nice review of your SB cavalry and command